We all have those personal items we just couldn’t live without. Phone, favourite jeans, a smoothie maker. But what about in the office?

You might be fairly attached to your chair, and not just in the literal sense. What items would you say are office essentials? Beginning this month Ozzy will bring you his monthly tips on what supplies are essential to a happy office life!

Ozzy gives you his rundown for his essentials in February.

Rock salt 25 (ROCKSALT25)

We are in the throws of winter and Spring seems oh so far away but never more so when the frost kicks in. Much like the nice weather you miss Rock Salt until its no longer there. Protect your team from slips and falls by making sure the car park, steps and entrance are safe and sound.  Call us today on 0161 429 8118 and get your order in. 

Tea bags (505515)

On that note, who wants a brew? It’s cold outside but the team tea break will help with that. If you have ever run out of tea bags you know the danger, make sure you are stocked up.

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Oil heater (914964)

Even the nicest offices could sometimes do with a little help on the warmth front. Getting in some extra oil heaters could be just the trick to keep those chilly billies in the office from phoning in sick!

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Tea Bags

Now we do know its also Valentine’s Day this month but perhaps leave the chocolates and flowers at home, even if your crush is in the office!

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