Keep working from home with Octopus essential items pack

We’re now at the end of a second week of the UK’s Coronavirus lockdown. Firstly, congrats! You’ve made it this far and hopefully, cabin fever hasn’t set in yet.

Secondly, you may have noticed your essential office supplies running low. Well, we here at Octopus Office have you covered with our Work At Home Office Supplies Pack containing all work at home essential Items.

The brilliant products you will get in our pack:

All items are also available to purchase in larger boxed quantities if needed.

(We have made it super easy to find them on our website, just use the product codes next to the item above, then put the number in the search bar. Simples)

And with our contactless delivery, we can leave your products on your doorstep so that you have peace of mind that you can stay isolated and safe.

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