So what is National Stationery Week I hear you cry!

National Stationery week is a whole week dedicated to the thing we love the most! Yes stationery. And we are keeping it alive!

There are many national days now and weeks, some dedicated to serious issues like illness and awareness, some like this are aimed and creating some much needed fun whilst also supporting a whole industry.

The office stationery world keeps businesses, home schooling and not to mention journal writers going! Whether you have a favourite brand of pen or a special notebook, there are usually bits of stationery you couldn’t live without (well OK maybe not live without but you would really miss).national stationery week

During National Stationery week we hope to see many office stationery suppliers like us celebrating all stationery! We will be sharing some interesting stationery facts with you. There may be a little competition for you to enter. We will also be sharing some of our favourite products as well as some you may not have thought about for a while.

Over here at Ozzy HQ we obviously treat National Stationery week like an annual holiday, on par with Christmas, Easter, school holidays and Halloween. (we do love Halloween) We will be offering some great deals to keep all the stationery addicts happy as well as introducing our customers to new products that will make office life that much easier.

So how could you possibly share and celebrate National Stationery week too? We have five ideas for you to try and would love to hear if you have any more. Photos would be a bonus too.

  1. Write a letter – we know it sounds quaint but writing and indeed receiving a hand written letter is so special and in our opinion doesn’t happen enough. Get yourself in a comfy seat, pull out your favourite pen and get writing to someone you know would love to hear from you!
  2. Organise you desk – oh yes we love a good sort out over here. There is nothing we like more than clearing out the desk draws, emptying the cupboards and updating your stationery. Its good for the mind as well! An untidy workspace is bad for productivity as well as creativity.
  3. Do some drawing – whether your a stickman doodler or a budding Banksy why not get those coloured pens or pencils out and do some drawing. This is a great mindfulness activity, particularly good if work is stressful. It takes you away from the screen for a little while and helps to clear the mind. Who knows you might even solve that problem you have been pondering on.
  4. Switch to recycled paper – or if this doesn’t suit your needs why not do a bit of research into how you can make your stationery habit a little more planet friendly. We supply lots of options that can help you go a little more green
  5. Visit you LOCAL stationery supplier – We love our local customers and through the past 12 months they have kept us going and its been a pleasure to help with everything from home schooling to art projects to starve off lockdown boredom. Shopping local is so important especially with such uncertain times for many businesses. Go visit your local stationery retailer or give them a call!

Unfortunately due to current circumstances the office National Stationery Week organisers aren’t embarking on anything this year but for more ideas you can visit there older page here 

We are hoping next year we could get some serious events going on. Maybe we could have the rubber and spoon race? Or a 400 meter bubble wrap run? Check back in with us soon to see how the celebrations are going.

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