Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

How Can The Curble Chair Help You to Sit Better?

The Curble Chair Helping you to sit straighter Most of us know how we should [...]

Office PPE you can use everywhere

We’ve be in office PPE and workplace masks for a while now! But there is [...]

Office Recycling – The key to a better planet

HOT TOPIC – OFFICE RECYCLING “Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping [...]

Protect Your Covid-19 Vaccination Card From Spills & Dirt

Your Covid-19 Vaccination card protector keep it free of dirt and grime and make it [...]

Keep your team safe with a Olympia Personal Attack Alarm

Why provide an Olympia personal attack alarm? With the excitement of reopening our bars, pubs [...]

How to Clean your Workspace & What Cleaning Products to love!

Get your cleaning products ready and your marigolds on…well maybe not quite. Many of the [...]

Face Shields For Your Office, Bar, Restaurant or Gym

Quality face shields and masks for use in your workplace. Face Shield For Your Workplace [...]

Face Covering on Public Transport to get to Work

What face covering on public transport is recommended by the government? You will be required [...]

Opening up your business safely

Are you a shop or store owner? Recently, the go-ahead has been given for shops [...]

6 products to ease going back to work with Octopus Office

Are you going back to work? For some it will possibly come as a welcome [...]

Self-Isolation – 5 Ways to Continue Working from Home

If possible, ask for a company laptop The easiest way to continue working, even if [...]

Beating Stress In The Office – 5 Top Tips

One of the most serious phenomena in today’s world is beating stress. Stress management is [...]

Why do paper cuts hurt so much?

What Are Paper Cuts? The paper appears to be innocuous, yet anyone who has snatched [...]

Work smarter, not harder in 5 simple steps

Looking to work smarter? These days we all seem to work harder than ever, but [...]

Back Care In The Office Can Be A Pain In The Neck

This week brings us back care awareness week, now you might ask yourself why we [...]

Time for an office refit?

If you’re wondering if it’s time for a new office refit there are many telltale [...]